Vote for peoples’ answers and add your own response to our question – what do you think the biggest issue is in health and care in the UK today? Please note that when you comment, you are not responding directly to other people’s answers.
Remember your answer should:
- answer the question directly
- only contain one idea or point (if you have more than one idea or point, please submit multiple answers)
- be 140 characters or less
We moderate all answers before they appear on the platform for people to ‘agree’ or ‘disagree’ with. To ensure the conversation is as wide-ranging as possible, we will try to allow as many comments onto the platform as we can.
These are the guidelines which Engage Britain staff will use to moderate the platform.
To keep the platform safe, we can’t allow: answers which are hateful or abusive or answers which are discriminatory against particular groups or individuals.
To ensure the quality of the platform, we can’t allow: answers which are incomprehensible; answers which do not actively respond to the question posed; answers which repeat statements that have already been submitted; or answers which put forward several ideas at once.
Whether an answer is accepted is entirely at the discretion of Engage Britain.